Klemi uses a PayPal integration to allow you to collect money for products and services.
We recommend getting onto PayPal’s non-profit service that allows you to collect payments with minimal overheads. Then plug it into our commerce payments module for things like events, weekend away bookings etc.
Here’s a step by step for getting started – skip to the end if you’d rather not know and want someone else to do it for you!
- Register with PayPal as a non-profit.
- Head over to the PayPal developer platform and create a new app under “REST API apps”
- Create a new set of Live credentials – this will give you a “Client ID” and a “Secret”
- Now come back to Klemi and open up your settings (the cog on the left nav bar).
- Find the PayPal section and paste your client id and secret into here.
- Add an email to be notified at in connection with your PayPal transactions, and a merchant name, which will be the name that PayPal presents to your users as they purchase.
- Bingo! You can now start receiving payments using PayPal.
If you’d rather not do this yourself you can always ask us to do it for you.