Klemi’s query language for searching members is simple, but supports several constructs to make more complex and fine-grained queries. The following fields are searched: full name first name last name role (name) group (name) group_id (integer) tag date_of_birth age (which calculates a date of birth search in the background) school_year is_parent is_adult current created_at updated_at […]
User Guides
Hymns & Songs – a guide
When it comes to hymns and songs to sing in church, klemi allows churches to store, share and compile these into services. “Hymn” is our catchall term for “chorus”, “song”, “chant” or whatever other words you like to use (and we don’t mind what they are!). The following document explains the basics, including how best […]
Settings Klemi allows super admin to edit basic settings for their klemi installation. This includes things like the name of your church (which will appear on emails, and on various klemi views), the google calendar ids that are integrated into your servicemanager, the google service account that does all your interaction with google services, your […]
Communications (Beta)
Communications (Mailchimp – beta) Klemi integrates with MailChimp.com to allow the creation of dynamic lists which can be synced with mail chimp distribution lists. This allows you to use a market leading package to send mailings to your people without having to worry about maintaining a separate list of emails. Easy! Here’s the workflow: Head […]
Media Klemi allows uploading and sharing of audio files. The uploading workflow has been designed to minimise duplication of information. The uploader should start from the service grid view and choose “create media” under the “Actions” button for the service in which the audio file has been delivered. This will automatically copy over sermon series […]
Availability Polls
Availability Polls for Service Grids. Here’s a joke: What do churches have in common with helicopters? The longer you hang around, the more likely you’ll get sucked into the rotas/rotors. Okay, it’s better when you say it, but still, rotas are a big deal aren’t they? Klemi tries hard to take some of the enormous potential for […]
Service Planner
The Service Planner The service planner is your go to place for big picture service planning. Here you can see up to 4 weeks and three services per day on one row per screen* ensuring, for example, that you don’t sing the same thing three weeks running ;-). The Component chooser uses a full text search […]