Members & Families
Searching Members
You’ve probably already seen our standard members search. It’s designed to be super simple – one free-form text that searches across multiple fields and tags. It’s quick, and most of the time it does the job nicely.
…Introducing Advanced Search
But sometimes you want a bit more, something like…
“Klemi, give me all the members born since 2000”
“Klemi, give me all the members except those tagged ‘awkward'”
(Okay, please don’t ever use our tagging like that, but you get my point)
You get the idea
Well now you can do both of those and much more.
Klemi now accepts complex queries like:
date_of_birth > “2000-01-01” or – tag = “awkward”
(that little minus sign means ‘omit’)
If you’d like to know more, head over the members page and click on “search options”. There’s also a more extensive guide
Leaving Well
Leaving a church is often a sad time for all concerned, but it can also be an administrative hassle – how do I extract this person from all the things they have registered involvement in? Klemi makes it easy. Click ‘Archive’ on the member’s profile page, all their role assignments will be closed and their membership will be flagged as no longer current. Depending on your privacy policy you can then decide how long you want to retain the member’s information. If you want to erase the information completely, hit ‘delete’ – but there’s no going back from that! One more thing – we realise people tend to leave in batches, usually in families, so we’ve also added the same functionality to families. Hit the archive button, and each member in that family will be archived.