If you are having trouble with re-ordering service components it may be that the order of components in a service has become corrupted. In order to fix this you can reset the component order. This is ...
Keeping your members updated about Services
Klemi offers a number of ways to keep your members updated on what is happening in your main services. Email reminders – configurable notifications fed by your service grids Public Service Grids...
How to add links to the Service Grid
Sometimes you’ll want to share resources on the web with your teams using the rota. Klemi’s service grid allows you to include links in the notes and tidies them up, making it easier for y...
Hymns & Songs – a guide
When it comes to hymns and songs to sing in church, klemi allows churches to store, share and compile these into services. “Hymn” is our catchall term for “chorus”, “song...
Availability Polls
Availability Polls for Service Grids. Here’s a joke: What do churches have in common with helicopters? The longer you hang around, the more likely you’ll get sucked into the rotas/rotors....
Service Planner
The Service Planner The service planner is your go to place for big picture service planning. Here you can see up to 4 weeks and three services per day on one row per screen* ensuring, for example, th...
Custom Service Grids (aka ‘rotas’)
Custom Grids Once you’ve got your head around our basic service grid, you might like to create additional grids. For example you might want to spread your columns over more than one grid (becaus...
The Service Grid
Service Grid Introduction The Service Grid is a representation of the key information about services in table format. It allows administrators and service planners to get a quick and easier overview...
The Service Manager
Servicemanager – The Service Grid and the Service Planner The servicemanager allows you to plan services. There’s a service grid for you to fill in all the headline information (date, lo...