Klemi offers a number of ways to keep your members updated on what is happening in your main services.
- Email reminders – configurable notifications fed by your service grids
- Public Service Grids – a link to a publicly accessible, non-editable copy of every one of your service grids which you can share. You can alter the level of accessibility in the service manager settings.
- Personal Calendar page – a page linked from every notification email, and also accessible via the service grid, giving an individual the list of all their upcoming responsibilities (and only theirs)
- Calendar Integrations – every klemi installation has a calendar feed for all services, as well as a personal calendar feed for each member. These can be accessed and added to mobile devices or calendar software via the personal calendar page.
- Manual notifications – you can manually send a notification to update members at any time of their responsibilities.
- Printable ‘Term Card’ – output service data onto a 3 column grid to print a list of services to a trifold term card.
Watch the video above to see some of these in action.