How do I keep my member details up to date? Many platforms rely on members to do the job themselves. This could be brilliant – all your data automagically up to date, all the time, but…in practice I’ve found it never quite works like that. Trusting people to come to you to update their info can’t be relied upon. You need to go to them to get it updated. That’s the approach klemi takes.
Klemi has an audit function to allow you to do this. An audit is a one-off process which sends an email to all selected members giving them an overview of which information you hold on them and inviting them to approve it or indicate that it is out of date. The following email outlines first the technical side (how to set up an audit on Klemi) and then a practical workflow (how you might manage an audit in your church).
Technical – How to set up an audit
You can find audits under the members menu item. When you set up your first audit there’s a wizard to help guide you through the process, but here’s an overview of the workflow so you know what to look for:
- Go to “audits” under members menu.
- Click on “New Audit”
- Set a title and dates as instructed + the text for the audit email.
- Choose which pieces of information you want to have confirmed
- Choose who will receive the audit
- Preview the email that will go out
- Send out the audit
NB Each person selected will receive an email inviting a response. Every person’s link is personal to them. You can’t use another person’s link for yourself. - See responses coming in on the audit responses page
Practical – How to pull it through – a worked example
Plan dates & Announcements
You need to communicate well with the church family. Tell them a couple of weeks in advance what you’re going to do and ensure that they’re looking out for the email that will come to them. You should also plan a timescale for after the audit is launched so that you have an agreed window for getting your data in order. You also need to plan to have the right people implement the audit. Ideally you would have someone who is happy to talk those who are struggling through things technically.
Prepare Email information
- Only those with emails will receive the audit – so it makes sense to do some pre-audit auditing! Ensure duplicate emails (e.g. husband /wife) have been removed and replaced with distinct email addresses per person.Ensure all youth who will become 16 this year have given emails (esp. if you’re anglican to allow them to opt in to ER if desired)
Test New Registration
(To be done by the one person organising the audit)
- Attempt to register a new member
- Go to https://mychurch.klemi.co/public/members/new (replace ‘mychurch’ as appropriate for your klemi installation)
- Make sure to cover:
- Try it out on various devices including mobile so you know what your people are going to see.
- Check all fields are filtering through from your form (none are missed)
- Check children are also all present (go to members page to see them. Put “draft = true” in the search box and make sure “include Archive/Draft” is on)
- Check field validation is acceptable (try removing some data, and make sure it only saves if the correct minimum is there.
- (If you’re doing an electoral role) Check that pre- ER wording (bottom of the page) is clear. This can be edited in settings
Create trial audit
- Choose a few members of staff / admin team and create a test audit just for them
- Ensure responses as above
- Choose appropriate and clear wording for the audit email – you may want to add a contact email for help, so congregation members know who to turn to for help.
- Make sure any changes are represented in the members section of klemi after you small team have completed the audit.
- Notice where audit wording appears in responses and check it is clear
Create actual audit
- Ensure correct wording on Audit for emails
- Choose one member to do a test run of this audit.
- Once test run complete, edit the audit and add all members with valid emails to the Audit
- Send! 😳
Post Audit
- View responses in Audits dashboard.
- Be available to help existing members.
From the Sunday you launch the audit:
- For new members / contacts: Publish https://mychurch.klemi.co/public/members/new (replace ‘mychurch’ with your klemi installation name) to the church family.
- Station 3-4 people in Church with computers / tablets ready to register new people.
- Print out a QR code and put on wall in church / share via newsletter etc.. (Make sure there’s a sign saying only follow this is you’re new and you haven’t received an email from us – we don’t want duplicates! )
- Be prepared to have someone re-send links, even write a personal email with the link or give people a call.
What do I do when a church member doesn’t have access to a computer?
If the member is already on klemi, then In the audit dashboard you can see the link that the member would normally follow. This means that administrators can also follow the link and fill it in on behalf of the member, either with the member on the phone, or with them in person, or on the basis of a separate paper form that you send out. If the member is not on klemi yet, you can use the same process but sign up via the new member registration link (under ‘members’ in the menu on the left).