Klemi allows users to add any number of additional custom fields to their members records. This means you can have any number of additional attributes stored alongside the standard fields in Klemi. To...
Adding files to Member Records
Klemi allows you to upload files and connect them to members. Here are the steps: Ensure you have your files saved with google drive Go to the individual member’s information page Click on the &...
How to attach files to Member Records
Sometimes it helps to attach files to a member record – perhaps in order to track correspondence, perhaps for data retention policies. Klemi makes it easy using an integration with Google Drive....
How do I move a member to a different family?
Sometimes a member ends up in the wrong family, or much to their parents’ chagrin they grow up, leave home and it’s time to reflect that on klemi! This video shows you how. Note: the famil...
How do I import Member Information?
Although it’s super easy to input data into klemi using the normal interface, for most churches it makes sense to upload your existing data in one go. Make a copy of this spreadsheet (see under ...