When it comes to implementing a church management system you will need to have the full support of your church leadership. You will need the agreement of your PCC / Standing Committee, Eldership / Trustees. Here are some talking points to explain the main benefits for them
- Releasing your pastor and staff for ministry
Administration is a necessary part of ministry, but do your leadership understand the cost in terms of time? If staff are paid by the church, have they factored in how much administrative inefficiencies are costing financially? Have they considered how the current potential of ministers / staff is hampered by administrative burdens, and therefore how much capacity they might release by implementing a robust software solution like Klemi? - Enabling task delegation and congregational service
The challenge of communicating needs and co-ordinating others to fill them can be obstacle to enabling congregational involvement. Under-informed volunteers lose enthusiasm. Conversely if communication is too onerous, leaders may give up delegating because it feels easier just to do things themselves. Klemi provides a reliable and clear platform for communicating responsibilities which encourages leaders to delegate tasks and yet still retain informed oversight. - Ensuring compliance at low cost
Creating data policies and ensuring ongoing compliance with GDPR can be highly demanding. It can require weeks of planning and constant communication. For a small organisation the ideal is not to re-invent its policies from scratch but to work within the ‘rails’ of well-established patterns of work that aren’t difficult to understand or communicate. Using Klemi as a church embeds a collection of data practices in your church by default and as long as your data continues to live there, goes a long way to ensuring that these are kept to.